Jayawijaya Regency
Wamena is the capital of Jayawijaya regency, Papua. Wamena to visit we had to fly from Jayapura with a lot of commercial aircraft serving these routes. Wamena is the main tourism destinations in the land of Papua, in addition Asmat, Kamoro, Korowai, Yani Ruma and so on.
Wamena is located in the valley with a height 2500mdpl, so it’s cold. Do not need AC in the inn or hotel2 there.
Wamena Valley known as Dani Baliem which occupy almost the entire region. Some of them are still using the old days aka clothes naked, with only using koteka or Sali to cover their genitals. This is a tourist attraction itself. Other tourist objects that can be visited in Wamena is a mummy in a hundred years old Kurulu Village, a beautiful lake in Habema altitude 3500an mdpl, salt water lakes, Dani settlement in honai-honai, the peak of Mount Trikora and so on.
Wamena is also the basis for visiting other exotic areas like the Korowai tribe Yani House, which is a tribe that lived in trees, then Yali Mek Tribe in Anggruk who lived in honai-honai (traditional houses) in the mountains. Or it could be to the people of Asmat regency living in the swamp. But certainly for the adventurous to these tribes we have deep pockets, because the only transportation to the region is by aircraft owned by missionaries such as MAF and AMA, whether reguter or charter.
First landed in Wamena from Jayapura we would have invaded by porters, guides (guide) and souvenir hawkers relentlessly offering his services. If we are not interested, we should firmly say no! Sometimes we have to behave like this. If we say later, they will continue to pursue any time, follow us to the hotel, we catch the next day again, until we are tired, bored and eventually buy their souvenirs.
Transport in Wamena there are 3 kinds, beca, angkot and rental cars. From the airport if we are not a lot of things we can use the rickshaws to reach the hotel, or on foot, because almost all the location was not too far from the airport. If using a pedicab, before fresh up and said not speeding, because kadang2 pedicab brother wrote the local community and encourage new bacaknya cepat2 using the brake (if you remember) when it rolled over, enter drains or other pedicab menabarak. Proved doctor in clinic patients Wamena many pedicab accident.
It would be nice if you want to Wamena and will use the services of our guide to first ask-me friends there, so knowing exactly, the quality guide-be are taking or could ask the local residents, hotel owners, local car rental and other information sources that could trusted.
Make sure you are taking yg guide to understand and master the location and community customs Wamena. Because they sometimes knowingly and tipu2 order to get money from us. First agreed with the guide, how much he paid per day and where our destination. Insist also guide any tasks such as looking for transportation, restaurants, directions, location of attractions and so on. Make a deal on paper because if there is no evidence disputes.
During the trip you just cigarettes, was more than enough. Do not serve the demand extra money for a particular object, because it could so he would do the same thing in another tourist attraction. Honor guide you when events are over in days itu.Jangan you borrow money for any reason, like asking half of the fee or the other, because it could so he would disappear and never come back. Follow and obey the initial agreement.
Although we are close emotionally, to feel confident with a guide or porter, do not trust entirely to them, do not Leave valuables to them if not forced, and we can not monitor them carefully. Do not love them large amount of receipts for the purchase of goods, because they might be gone.
The same agreement can also be utilized for transporting goods or porters. Exactly the same as guide, we also need to know exactly how much tariff porter per day, how much weight he should take, how food, drink and lodging for the porter.
The most important make sure that valuable items like laptops, cameras and other electronic goods are not taken porter. We take themselves. If it does not allow us to bring itself under the weight. So make sure valuables are carried by porters who we believe and never miss a second of our control.
Be friendly and kind to guide and porters, communication must be established well, but remain alert and do not fully believe in them. Provide social goods such as cigarettes and betel nuts. Make them comfortable to work with us, so they want to do whatever we want. During the association kebutuha goods such as cigarettes, betel nuts, we continue to supply food to them then some will be smooth trip.
Many interesting attractions to be the object of digital photos or camcorder (video), like the Dani people who pake koteka, or Jibawa market. Dani people famously mercenary, until now, the era of red paper money has gone, they know the currency now. When we see them take a picture (photograph) them, siap2 they will come and ask for money, the amount not tanggung2, if not noisy enough love and run away. If you want safe and not bother, pake long lens to take pictures of them, so they do not know. If caught cepat2 go from there. Can you imagine how busy make films with big cameras.
If you only want to go sightseeing around the village of Wamena up to or want to see Kurulu Baliem River we can Kijang car rental, rent ranges relative 300-500rb, if you want to be Habema Lake pake double-axle cars and expensive rent 2 to 3 jt, back and forth . Rents are usually outside of the fuel that is very rare if more could be costly to 25rb / liter.
Wamena is famous for the price of basic needs are exorbitant. Because of its location is in the valley and the only transportation to other areas of air transportation dalah. So basic needs of residents in Wamena send via air. So no surprise start from cigarettes, drinks, food, etc., is very expensive there. Rice with chicken dishes in a simple diner can cheapest 45rb.
If we’re going to make the long trip and long enough into the interior in Wamena and our baggage masig possible, it would be nice if we buy groceries at Jayapura, because the price is much cheaper.
Because the location of the town of Wamena in the valley and diketinggian 2500mdpl, the air is very cold even more so at night, it must bring a warm sweater. Prepare also Raincoat because high rainfall there. Sleeping bag helps to keep warm when sleeping, if the hotel provided a blanket thin and not warm.
If we wash his own clothes, when hanging should never in drying out (page) without supervision, because it can be instantly gone. Leave it for drying our laundry clerk, after that we love him tips.
No problems with communication in the town of Wamena, the mobile phone signal from some operators still we can use. But hp signal lost when we were out of town. Other communication options is telecom shops or cafes, but with a very slow speed.
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