Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Biak Island

Japan Binsari Cave

Direct view of historical evidence of World War II in Biak, one place that can provide complete information and close enough to the city is in Japanese Cave Site, located west of town, exactly in the village Sumberker, Biak. Japanese Cave site, so public and familiar call this historic place, local people named this cave with “Abiyau Binzar” which means old woman because, according to legend, before being used by Japanese soldiers, the cave was once occupied by an elderly woman.

Yenusi Beach

Approximately 1 hour trip from the city, specifically in the village of East Yenusi Biak District, will you meet along the road village, with a stretch of coastal ocean waves quite calm and peaceful. Although not available in a special parking area, visitors can choose the most comfortable place to enjoy the beauty of the village along the sea charms

Ruar River

Ruar River
If you are going to the Bird Park and Orchid or toward Bosnik, right at the entrance to the Village East Biak District Ruar can you find a river that flows out of the cave. The abundance of water from this cave used daily by people around the majority of the

mothers and children to household activities, washing and bathing, take a small portion of water for drinking. Looked very crowded in the morning and evening.

Community activities centered around the village and across the street, they block the flow of the river with large rocks and used as a medium for washing clothes. While the inside close to the cave, the people managing it for recreation for the public arena that many were visited by many teenagers. Provided parking for motorcycles with a small post to guard restribusi interesting for visitors. Not yet officially decided to pull visitors restribusi, seihlasnya as an aid to maintain the cleanliness of this place.

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