House ants are very seductive, well … this is suitable for biological research he … he .. This well was a tourist walking toward the house, ants in the district Sota, Merauke District, Papua. House ants are often found in the area during the dry season.
National Park Wasur
Eastern Indonesian region, the Kangaroo is only found in the Merauke district, local people call it, Shares. Unfortunately, stocks are often hunted population for their own consumption or sold to the market.
Avoid the extinction of wildlife measures the local government through the National Park management body Wasur build one in captivity in Wasur Park with area of about one hectare.
These animals were evacuated to a place penangakaran to keep the population from the threat of poachers. Although almost extinct, until now there has been no single regional regulations (Perda) governing the right to live this kangaroo type animal.
To visit the kangaroos breeding takes over 40 minutes from the town of Merauke to the place of captivity with 9 KM distance.
There are 28 in captivity, including Kangaroo tail, tail 5 males, 23 females and the rest were young. Breeding guarded day and night by officers Wasur Park, one person in charge sedangka poster eat.
Animal dala day, two meals of morning and afternoon. Kangaroo foods of the swamp Kangkung, cassava leaves and leaf buds. Not only that, these animals also consume fruits like papaya, watermelon, apples and other fruits.
The diversity of fauna in the area Wasur TN consists of:
a. Mammals
Based on survey results found 34 species of mammals, 80 species of terdidentifikasi. Large mammals in the region Wasur TN is roomy kangaroo (Macropus agilis), Kangaroo forest / common (Darcopsis veterum) and the Kangaroo Land (Thylogale brunii). Besides, there are other mammals of the forest fox (Dasyurus Spartacus), Kuskus spots (Spilocuscus Petaurus breviceps) is known as a squirrel local communities and others.
b. Aves (Birds)
TN Wasur bird diversity has been recorded with 403 species including 74 species endemic to New Guinea and estimated there are 114 protected species. The types of birds include: Garuda Papua (gurneyei Aquila), Paradise (Paradisea apoda novaguineae), Cockatoo (Cacatua sp), Crowned (Crown pigeons), Cassowary (Cassowary), Eagle (Circus sp.), Alap-alap ( Accipiter sp.) and others. Besides wetlands owned Wasur TN is a very important place for migratory birds from Australia and New Zealand such as: Bagau abu-abu/Ndarau (Cranes Trans-fly), Pelikan, Ibis (stra-necked, Glossy and White), Boha (Magpie Geese), bird Beach (Plovers, Australian Pratincole) and half a spoon (Royal spoonbills).
c. Pisces (Fish)
Wasur TN area is a vast wetland, where a lot of aquatic life that became an important component of biodiversity in the region. Teradapat 39 species of fish from 72 species present, which include 32 species found in the Swamp Blues and 7 species found in river as Scleropages jardinii Maro, Cochlefelis, Doiichthys, Nedystoma, Tetranesodon, Kiunga and Iriatherina and others.
d. Reptiles and Ampfibi
Survey found that 26 species of reptiles 2 species crocodile (Crocodylus porosus and Crocodylus novaguineae), 3 kinds of monitor lizards (Varanus sp.), 4 types of turtles, lizards type 5 (Mabouya sp.), 8 species of snakes (Condoidae, Liasis, Pyton) and 1 type of chameleon (Calotus jutatas) and 3 species of frogs; tree frog (Hylla crueelea), irian tree frog (Litoria infrafrenata) and green frogs (Rona macrodon).
e. Insects (Insects)
Recorded in TN there Wasur 48 types, including: Termites (Tumulitermis sp. And Protocapritermis sp.), Butterfly (Ornithoptera priamus), ants (Formicidae, Nytalidae, Pieris) and others. In addition to native fauna species, in the TN area Wasur there are also the kinds of exotic animals such as deer (Cervus timorensis), cow (Bos sp.) As well as a variety of fish species such as: betik (Anabas testudineus), cork (Crassis auratus) , Oreochromis mossambicus (Orechromis mossambica) and Tawes (Cyprinus carpio).
Lampu Satu Beach
nature tourism in Marauke very beautiful beaches one of which was light one, of the sand sea to the atmosphere of our faith is very tempting to go from this place, well ya can run out of money kta! it did not matter because we can enjoy the authentic atmosphere of nature .. not no harm, well here is why fast ..
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